Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Kind of forgot how to do this..

So it has been a very long time since I have touch or looked at this blog, which is really really sad.

Much has happened in my life since my last end of the month photo log. I'm probably going to update everything in time.. Considering I don't have much of it right now but it will be a slow process, so let's start with really raw writing.

I say this a lot, that I will make an effort of updating but I don’t because as you know.. life gets in the way, but you just have sit down start typing and just have at her, no excuses.

It’s a good reminder of my growth in life, even from the last time I wrote I feel like I’ve gained many new perspectives, what I use to do was try to erase my past (like literally) and start fresh each time I would write again, but it’s going to be a little different. This is me rough around the edges and all my imperfection along the course of life that I am no longer trying to perfect, so let this be a reminder of growth, of what I love and what I learn. So here goes.. come along again for the tedious life of what is me.

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