So when I want something, I go on a mission, and when I am slowly growing an obsession it escalates within seconds, and because of a slow day at work flipping through magazines does not help. So there it was a full page of B.B creams (Blemish Balm [Asia] / Beauty Balm [North America]) that are coming to North America, B.B creams got super polar in Asia years back, what this spectacular cream is suppose to do is provide protection from the sun’s rays, whiten and provide wrinkle care, even out the skin tone like a cover-up and moisturises as well. So who in their right mind would not want to get their grimy hands on this sucker? So I did some internet browsing and found a really popular one that’s found at Sephora made by Boscia, so a stop after work was definitely in order.
So do do do, I walk into Sephora and ask one of the girls to help me locate this B.B cream and guess what, it has its own little waiting list, so I was like “never you mind Boscia”, I’ll look for another brand, so they had Too Faced and Smashbox to offer and I was not sold I did however snatch a little sample of the Too Faced one, and so I went to the Bay took a peek at Estee Lauder and they were sold out of my skin tone, and only had the darkest tone.
So then I was why not try the Korean grocery store by Northland, and there I picked up my first B.B cream, and thus began an obsession.
Missha B.B Boomer $18.99 (CAD)
Goes hand in hand with Missha Perfect Cover B.B, acts as a shimmery primer. The only downside, it sort of smells like old lady powder, but it makes your B.B cream look smooth, fresh and well mosturized.♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥
Missha Perfect Cover B.B (NO.21) $23.99 (CAD)
At first the cream looks as though it is almost an ashy cover up, but once it oxidizes it makes your skin look fresh and smooth, nice and light and let’s your skin breathe and with that I can say I am such a fan.♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥
Missha Signature Real Complete B.B Cream (NO.21) $34.00 (CAD)
A little too heavy for my liking, I prefer Missha Perfect Cover♥♥♡♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥
And of course just because I couldn't get B.B cream at Sephora it didn't stop me from purchasing a few odds and sods from Sephora.
Got to love material habits, oh grief..
that tis' your ohsotedious
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