Saturday, 31 March 2012
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Confessions of My Heart: Missing
There's never a day where I don't think about you.
because my heart only beats for you, even when yours doesn't seem to meet mine.
because my heart only beats for you, even when yours doesn't seem to meet mine.
Penguin Plunge
Penguins Penguins Penguins! A good long line up, about a fifty minute wait, sipping some hot chocolate, playing some Text Twist. Definitely well worth the wait! Even though it was only a fifteen minute duration per group but it really does feels like plenty of time when you’re in there, you can actually get pretty close to them, the glass that surrounds them hardly even passed our shoulders. Quite the experience, had a few good super lame Penguin jokes told to us which were so lame they were funny, we did manage not to get pee-ed or poo-ed on which was a plus. I would definitely line up again to see them, especially this lone Penguin I took a liking to, and he was the cutest one out of the bunch.
I haven’t been to the Zoo in ages and this was probably one of the best Zoo day ever! Since everyone was hyped up for the Penguins the rest of the Zoo was pretty cleared out, so we had a chance to spend a good four hours wandering about, creeping on the animals, and let me tell you, those animals were super active that day. We came across a tiger that paced back and forth for a good twenty minutes, a weird Ape that kept eating random things off of the ground and totally kept facing his back towards us because he definitely knew we were watching him I gotta tell ya, those Apes are something else I could sit there on that bench and watch them all day if I could, they are so smart! We bumped into two Meerkats fighting over a hardboiled egg, we were there, I kid you not a good thirty minutes at least watching them push each other around but hardly moving, claws dug deep in the dirt, poor little Meerkat didn’t even get a piece. And a lady walks by and says to her husband “aww look, the Meerkats are in love”. Bf and I stare at each other and chuckle knowing we have been watching these two stubborn Meerkats struggle with each other for thirty minutes. We also ran into a very itchy Giraffe, and that was alone mesmerizing, he almost took out a whole branch from itching himself. Oh how I have come to appreciate the Zoo so much more.
So after the Zoo, off to watch The Lorax, I couldn’t tell you much other than the fact I fell asleep for practically the whole movie. Obviously not good enough to keep my interest.
Then to Applebee’s before our Walking Dead Season 2 Finale!
Oh Applebee’s, it’s like walking into a pub with weird circus clown lights above your table, it’s a place to go nearby when we don’t have time to travel elsewhere.
What did we order?
Manfriend got the
Half Rack of Ribs ♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ I am always down for Ribs, one of my favorite things..and they’re pretty good here not too sweet not too sour.
Mmm..what did I get?..I believe it was the
Bourbon Street Steak with Cajun Prawns ♥♡♡♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥this has to be one of the worst Steaks I’ve had in my lifetime, it was weird in flavour and the texture of meat was something else. Which reminds me don’t ever get the Spinach and Artichoke Dip ♥♡♡♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ probably the worst Appetizer ever, actually ruined my appetite the first time I had it.
and for take home dessert for our Walking Dead Finale the
Triple Chocolate Meltdown ♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ This is so good you always have to ask for an extra scoop of Ice Cream though because it is extremely sweet! That was the best part about Applebee’s. The extremely chocolaty yummy dessert!
And I must add, if you tune into the Walking Dead, the season finale absolutely left me wanting more! I can not wait till season 3. Sooo INTENSE! Got to love them zombies..
Holy #@%& !
Welcome back old friend.
♥ ohsotedious
Monday, 19 March 2012
Tummy Chronicles: Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse
Another Saturday full of tummy goodness.
This was my second trip to Ruth’s, and from what I can remember from my first experience is sitting at a cosy booth along the wall listening to sizzling plates and infusing my nostrils with the intense aroma of their delightful butter. And the second time around I was just as delighted as the first time, what beats sitting next to my manfriend and whiffing up a storm? Not too much indeed.
For the “manliest of man” guys or those few butter haters, you may not like how you don’t taste that pure beefy beef taste, but for myself I quite enjoy the butter soaked beef.
So what beef did we have infused?
They start you off with yummy Cheese bread and Garlic Butter Bread ♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥
my meal also came with the Harvest Salad (Mixed greens with Roasted Corn, dried Cherries, crispy Bacon and Tomatoes in a White Balsamic Vinaigrette, topped with Goat Cheese and Cajun Pecans.) ♥♥♡♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ Not bad, minus the Goat Cheese, Goat Cheese makes everything lose a ♥.
Baby had the Ribeye ♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ super juicy, cooked medium rare just right. Along with the Creamed Spinach (A Ruth’s favorite, chopped spinach in a New Orleans style cream sauce) ♥♡♡♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ I have never had Spinach severed to me this way before, and I can tell you I am not a fan. So mushy it reminds me of baby food or better yet an oldie with no teeth. Blah.
and I had the Petite Filet and Barbecued Shrimp ♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ also super juicy, I also like my meat medium rare, and it was pretty much bang on. The Shrimp were really yummy, the sauce was just right, not too creamy, and not too liquefied along with the Lyonnaise (Sautéed with Onions) ♥♥♡♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥
and even with those tummy stuffers, we had to fit dessert, the Cheesecake (Creamy homemade Cheesecake served with Fresh Berries) ♥♥♥♥♡/♥♥♥♥♥ this Cheesecake is big, like I mean it could almost pass for a small individual cake. I quite enjoyed it, it was topped with Greek Yogurt I believe, which made it unique and for me complimented the richness. The boyfriend didn’t enjoy that part of it so much, so you may not be too fond of it as well, if you don’t like the taste of pure unsweetened yogurts.
Our waiter said “Absolutely” a lot, which kind of drove me a little crazy, and he forgot my Ginger Ale, I’m not usually bitter about things like this, but I just really didn’t have the fondest feelings for our server. But the restaurant over has a nice presence, big windows, dim lighting, it’s nice.
Friday, 16 March 2012
Confessions of My Heart: My ♥
“We need to teach ourselves the difference
a man who flatters us
and a man who complements us
a man who spends money on us
and a man who invests in us
a man who views us as property
and a man who views us properly
a man who lusts after us
and a man who loves us.”
Don’t settle, find a man who truly loves you.
My heart has always overpowered my mind, and my mind has always over analyzed my heart.
a man who flatters us
and a man who complements us
a man who spends money on us
and a man who invests in us
a man who views us as property
and a man who views us properly
a man who lusts after us
and a man who loves us.”
Don’t settle, find a man who truly loves you.
My heart has always overpowered my mind, and my mind has always over analyzed my heart.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Tummy Chronicles: Brasserie Kensington
Overall Restaurant Rating: ♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥
Another beautiful weekend, what better than a nice sunny day walking down Kensington and stopping for a bite to eat.
So to those that may know me, I love looking up menu’s before I actually set foot into most restaurants, it has become sort of a habit of mine, and Brasserie’s menu had me at TRUFFLE.
The manfriend heard about this little place from a co-worker of his, and I am so glad we ventured out for lunch, the only downfall was that we only had the brunch menu, but we did still manage to chose the most fattening and hearty sounding dishes!
At first we had a hard time finding it, because it’s kind of off in a corner and up a few stairs.
So what did we have?

Breakfast Poutine (Cheese Curds, Duck Gravy & Fried Egg ) ♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ Because poutine’s for breakfast are the best!! Very very filling, don’t think I could ever finish one of these bad boys by myself, the egg definitely made it feel more like breakfast.
and babe got the “Big Taste” for only $25.00(CAD) which included :

Smoked Tomato and Duck Soup ♥♥♡♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ Two stars only because the Goat Cheese was a no, no. I dislike Goat Cheese and no matter how little of it is in a dish, it ruins most dishes for me.
Duck Rillette Sandwich ♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ Taste almost like a Tuna Sandwich but with Duck!? Intresting..but it was definitely tasty.
and Foi Gras Crème Brulée ♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ Great way to end off a delicious brunch, the fruits were all sweet and the Crème Brulée tasted like an American version egg tart, without the crust.
All of that for twenty-five buckaroos, not too shabby, not too shabby at all.

And of course while in Kensington you need to also stop at Crave,

Bf’s Favorite, Dirty Blonde
My fav’s, Va Va Vanilla and the Red Velvet Elvis, I am just missing The Princess Vanilla
Hands down Crave is one of my Favorite Cupcake places, it lives up to its hype unlike a few of others.
Another beautiful weekend, what better than a nice sunny day walking down Kensington and stopping for a bite to eat.
So to those that may know me, I love looking up menu’s before I actually set foot into most restaurants, it has become sort of a habit of mine, and Brasserie’s menu had me at TRUFFLE.
The manfriend heard about this little place from a co-worker of his, and I am so glad we ventured out for lunch, the only downfall was that we only had the brunch menu, but we did still manage to chose the most fattening and hearty sounding dishes!
At first we had a hard time finding it, because it’s kind of off in a corner and up a few stairs.
So what did we have?
Breakfast Poutine (Cheese Curds, Duck Gravy & Fried Egg ) ♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ Because poutine’s for breakfast are the best!! Very very filling, don’t think I could ever finish one of these bad boys by myself, the egg definitely made it feel more like breakfast.
and babe got the “Big Taste” for only $25.00(CAD) which included :
Smoked Tomato and Duck Soup ♥♥♡♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ Two stars only because the Goat Cheese was a no, no. I dislike Goat Cheese and no matter how little of it is in a dish, it ruins most dishes for me.
Duck Rillette Sandwich ♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ Taste almost like a Tuna Sandwich but with Duck!? Intresting..but it was definitely tasty.
and Foi Gras Crème Brulée ♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ Great way to end off a delicious brunch, the fruits were all sweet and the Crème Brulée tasted like an American version egg tart, without the crust.
All of that for twenty-five buckaroos, not too shabby, not too shabby at all.
And of course while in Kensington you need to also stop at Crave,
Bf’s Favorite, Dirty Blonde
My fav’s, Va Va Vanilla and the Red Velvet Elvis, I am just missing The Princess Vanilla
Hands down Crave is one of my Favorite Cupcake places, it lives up to its hype unlike a few of others.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Tummy Chronicles: Shikij Japanese Noodles and Sushi
Haha so, after attending a BMW launch party and stuffing our faces there, the boys were pretty full on finger foods, and me.. well being the big piggy that I am, I was definitely still a little hungry, so they took me out to Shikiji.
So between the two boys and I, we shared the
Chili Goma Ramen (Ground Pork, Green Onions, Shitake, Bamboo Shoots and Noodles in a Chili Sesame Soup Base.) ♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ The biggest Ramen bowl I have seen so far in Calgary! Lol The soup base was very different, and very tasty. The garlic that they provide you on the side, the deep fried one in the little glass jar is super super deceiving it hardcore sticks to your teeth, be sure to let it settle in your soup before eating it if you decide to put any in. Don’t be greedy like me and stick whole bunch in and get it stuck all over your teeth.
Calamari Roll (Deep Fried Squid, Lettuce, Tobiko, Mayo) ♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥ First Calamari sushi I’ve had..pretty yummy.
Tummy Chronicles: “Because we can” Craving(s) adventure..
So what is a Sunday like for the manfriend and I
when we have cravings?
When it’s cold out we think.. mmm delicious Korean food! So for lunch we hit up Sura, and by the time we finish lunch our tummies call for some dessert, so what’s the nearest Moxie’s for a White Chocolate Brownie? So babe drives me to Market Mall for a White Chocolate Brownie, and we stuff our tummies with yummy dessert and we walk it off and no big deal before we leave the mall we stop by the food court and hit up New York Fries, and accompany our fries with cheese sauce. And because you get thirsty after eating fries, you need to have some bubble tea from Ten Ren's.
And this is why I appreciate a real man that can keep up with my eating habits.
So give into your cravings? In moderation?
Because ohsotedious said so!
When it’s cold out we think.. mmm delicious Korean food! So for lunch we hit up Sura, and by the time we finish lunch our tummies call for some dessert, so what’s the nearest Moxie’s for a White Chocolate Brownie? So babe drives me to Market Mall for a White Chocolate Brownie, and we stuff our tummies with yummy dessert and we walk it off and no big deal before we leave the mall we stop by the food court and hit up New York Fries, and accompany our fries with cheese sauce. And because you get thirsty after eating fries, you need to have some bubble tea from Ten Ren's.
And this is why I appreciate a real man that can keep up with my eating habits.
So give into your cravings? In moderation?
Because ohsotedious said so!
Hair & Makeup: B.B Cream
So when I want something, I go on a mission, and when I am slowly growing an obsession it escalates within seconds, and because of a slow day at work flipping through magazines does not help. So there it was a full page of B.B creams (Blemish Balm [Asia] / Beauty Balm [North America]) that are coming to North America, B.B creams got super polar in Asia years back, what this spectacular cream is suppose to do is provide protection from the sun’s rays, whiten and provide wrinkle care, even out the skin tone like a cover-up and moisturises as well. So who in their right mind would not want to get their grimy hands on this sucker? So I did some internet browsing and found a really popular one that’s found at Sephora made by Boscia, so a stop after work was definitely in order.
So do do do, I walk into Sephora and ask one of the girls to help me locate this B.B cream and guess what, it has its own little waiting list, so I was like “never you mind Boscia”, I’ll look for another brand, so they had Too Faced and Smashbox to offer and I was not sold I did however snatch a little sample of the Too Faced one, and so I went to the Bay took a peek at Estee Lauder and they were sold out of my skin tone, and only had the darkest tone.
So then I was why not try the Korean grocery store by Northland, and there I picked up my first B.B cream, and thus began an obsession.
Missha B.B Boomer $18.99 (CAD)
Goes hand in hand with Missha Perfect Cover B.B, acts as a shimmery primer. The only downside, it sort of smells like old lady powder, but it makes your B.B cream look smooth, fresh and well mosturized.♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥
Missha Perfect Cover B.B (NO.21) $23.99 (CAD)
At first the cream looks as though it is almost an ashy cover up, but once it oxidizes it makes your skin look fresh and smooth, nice and light and let’s your skin breathe and with that I can say I am such a fan.♥♥♥♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥
Missha Signature Real Complete B.B Cream (NO.21) $34.00 (CAD)
A little too heavy for my liking, I prefer Missha Perfect Cover♥♥♡♡♡/♥♥♥♥♥
And of course just because I couldn't get B.B cream at Sephora it didn't stop me from purchasing a few odds and sods from Sephora.
Got to love material habits, oh grief..
that tis' your ohsotedious
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