" You realize that our
mistrust of the future makes it hard to give up the past. We can't give up the
concept of who we were. All those adults playing archaeologist at yard sales,
looking for childhood artifacts, board games, CandyLand, Twister, they're terrified.
Trash becomes holy relics. Mystery Date. Hula Hoops. Our way of getting
nostalgic for what we just threw in the trash, it's all because we're afraid to
evolve. Grow, change, lose weight, reinvent ourselves. Adapt."
Finished this bad boy last week sometime last week. My loving boyfriend bought
me some awesome reading material over the holidays.
So let’s talk about survivor. Let’s break it down, a book about a guy named
Tender Branson who is on his own on an airplane that is on autopilot that is
about to crash, but not before unravelling a whirlwind of a story about his
life, growing up in a Creedish Death Cult, and being the last survivor.
It's so intriguing because it’s so random and Tender Branson is such a
character, he is apparently ugly and dirty looking, he also cleans for a
living, studies fake flowers at mausoleums and he answers his phone pretending
to be some sort of distress helpline.
The cover to this novel is awesome you can tear it off and fold it into a paper
airplane, how ingenious is that? And what else is neat is the pages countdown,
tying in chapter 47 to chapter 1. Mm hmm I always enjoy cuddling up to one of
Palahniuk’s books.